Disciplinary Policy

Every student and his or her parents sign an agreement that outlines obligations and expectations regarding academic performance, community service and discipline.

We do not practice corporal punishment on any child! We have alternatives to hitting students that are just as effective. Although we have not experienced severe discipline issues, we have had some behaviors that required punishment. Cleaning the yard, writing repetitive lines, and digging ditches are definite deterrents to bad behavior! On the few occasions that students have been resistant to accepting discipline, we always inform them of their option to leave, if they cannot accept the consequences of rule breaking.

Every effort is made to be explicit about rules and expectations: name-calling and hitting result in automatic suspension. When a disciplinary measure is taken, punishment is generally of short duration, and not discussed after its conclusion.

GCA in partnership with the community:
Pastor Gina (center) with representatives from the
Amistad and Maryland State Dept. of Natural Resources